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Prospect Lake

Prospect Lake Preservation Society (PLPS) Survey

A New Approach
During the pandemic it became increasingly difficult to attend face to face meetings. Consequently we determined that the best way forward was to experiment with a change in communication approaches using an information update and survey approach that will allow us to more broadly communicate with Prospect Lake residents and collect perspectives from all including those that cannot always attend meetings. Consequently, this information and survey sheet is composed of two components. A brief update on our work over the "Covid Years" and some survey questions to collect your perspective of lake priorities and concerns. Although we have placed the survey questions first we recommend that all read the full document before responding to the survey questions.

Information supporting this survey is placed on the PLPS website.

Survey Questions

--- About You ----

Your Email Address (this address will be used for ongoing communication and verification of identity purposes.

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Do you live on or close to Prospect Lake?


Your street address

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How many years have you lived on Prospect Lake?


How strongly do you believe property values around the lake are positively associated with the health of the lake?


Assuming that other property owners are participating, I will provide my share of funding to maintain and improve the water quality of Prospect Lake.


Please describe the various ways you use Prospect Lake?

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--- Water Quality ------

There is more particulate in the water than in the past.


In recent years I have notice more occasions of blue green algae on the lake.


Maintaining and improving water quality is the key long term concern for the lake.


--- Lake Weeds ----

There are more lake weeds on my waterfront than in the past.


Lake weeds reduce my enjoyment and use of the lake.


Please keep me posted on ways that I can best manage the aquatic weeds in my swimming areas.


--- Power Boats -----

Shoreline erosion should be a concern for lake front property owners.


Wake boats are becoming a problem on the lake.


Ski boats are becoming a problem on the lake.


We should limit the HP of power boats on the lake?


Please investigate how we might limit the type of boats on the lake.


--- Seagulls ---

Seagulls are increasingly common on the lake.


I believe this is related to ongoing development and management practices of the Hartland Road Waste Facility


----Septic Systems and Fertilizer Run Off -------

Lake front property owners should be required to have a contracted septic service company that inspects and maintains their septic system.


The service provider should deliver an annual confirmation letter to the property owner that the septic system is properly serviced and is safely treating and dispersing all sewage and waste waters on the property.


A copy of the annual septic service provider letter should be sent to an appropriate authority that monitors the risk of sewage running into the lake.


---Financing ---

Have you been charged separate dock taxes for your property?


What was the amount of dock tax charged last year?

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Given three Saanich Parks, public boat access, our property taxes and the separate tax for our docks I find it remarkable that Saanich municipality does not believe it is responsible for maintaining the water quality of Prospect Lake.


I believe that PLPS should press Saanich municipality to cover the costs associated with maintaining/improving the health of Prospect Lake.


Please keep me informed about challenges and progress getting government to pay for the maintenance and improvement of the water quality/health of Prospect Lake.


----Climate Change----

I expect that climate change will have a negative impact upon the lake health.


I expect that climate change requires that we accelerate our efforts to improve the health of the lake so that it may better withstand eutrophication.



What have we missed? What else would you like to know?

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